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As the nation’s leading funeral service supply company, Batesville has been a part of helping funeral directors and families for over one hundred years.
Since 1898, Columbus, Ohio based Clark Grave Vault has manufactured a complete line of the highest quality metal burial vaults in the world. Today's product line consists of burial vaults, urn vaults, and grave liners. We currently manufacture products in a variety of materials and finishes including steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel, and solid copper.
Every Clark vault is guaranteed to protect the casket from water and other elements through the use of an air seal principle. This can be easily demonstrated by turning a glass upside down and then submerging the glass into water. The air trapped inside the glass prevents the water from rising more than a fraction of an inch. The same is true of a non-porous Clark metal vault. The air trapped inside the dome prevents outside water from reaching the casket.
Hospice Care
Hospice of North Central Oklahoma